PiFinder Resources
Whether you’ve just opened your assembled PiFinder or you’re working on building your own, we are here to help. Check the links here to find what you need or scroll down and send us an email for a personal reply.
Browse our Quick Start Guide for setup and your first time out
Read the full User Manual to explore deeper
Follow the Build Guide to assemble your kit or parts
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Your question may be answered below in our Frequently Asked Questions
Use the form below for personal help or with any questions you have!
Frequently Asked Questions
Which PiFinder is right for my scope?
The PiFinder comes in Left/Right and Flat configurations to allow the screen and keypad to be placed conveniently while keeping the camera looking at the sky to guide you.
Flat PiFinders
Designed for refractors, SCT’s and other telescopes or binoculars with a focuser at the rear they mount on top of your scope for easy access to the screen keypad while you track down and observe objects.
The camera is positioned to look along the scope towards the sky, while the keypad and screen face upward with slight tilt back for a more ergonomic experience at the eyepiece
Left/Right PiFinders
For telescopes with the focuser out the side, like many Newtonian based Dobsonians and related designs, the screen faces the focuser while the camera looks along the telescope tube towards the sky. Which side the focuser sticks out on varies by manufacturer and person preference, so we have a version for either!
Left and Right refer to which way the camera is pointing while you are looking at the screen as well as which side the focuser is on if you are standing at the mirror end looking towards the aperture.
Pictured here are the Left and Right PiFinders. You can see the back of the camera mount on each unit and the camera points to the right of the image on the Right unit and left on the Left unit.
Straight-Through PiFinders
For larger rear-focus scopes where the top of the scope is too high for an upward facing screen/keypad there is the Straight-Through configuration. This style has the screen and camera in a line for easy visibility and access.
How does the PiFinder mount on a scope?
The PiFinder comes set up with a dovetail for mounting which fits into a shoe attached to your telescope. The dovetail is 32mm wide and fits the standard finder shoe found on most scopes. This system allows quick installation and removal of a finder and helps to maintain alignment between observing sessions. If you don’t have a shoe already on your scope, they are widely available and generally easy to add.
Here’s a closeup photo of the shoe and the mounted PiFinder.
If you have questions about mounting a PiFinder to your specific scope, please use the form below and we’ll work with you to explore options!
How much does the PiFinder Weigh?
What size is the PiFinder?
The PiFinder weighs about 360g / 15.5 oz with the internal battery or about 270g / 9.5oz without. For reference, the weight with battery is significantly less than a 9x50 RACI finder or a TeleVue Delos eyepiece… and without battery the PiFinder weighs less than a Telrad!
Please see the image below for dimensions of the two PiFinder configurations. If you have any questions, we’re here to help!
Still have questions?
We’re here to help! Use the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Usually within one business day.